2021 David Moreau Clos des Mouches, Santenay Premier Cru, France
2021 David Moreau Clos des Mouches, Santenay Premier Cru, France
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2021 David Moreau Clos des Mouches, Santenay Premier Cru, France

$57.00 $74.99

The name references the historic presence of beehives in this Clos (mouches à miel is French for “honey bee”). This emblematic plot of the domaine was not replanted immediately after phylloxera; it wasn’t until decades later, in 1964, that vines were planted there again. Located in the heart of the 1er Crus of Santenay, the vineyard has a particularly favorable microclimate. The vines are pruned in Guyot Poussard and rootstock is massal selection only. Plantation density is 10,000 vines per hectare.

