2022 Weingut Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Spatlese Nahe, Germany
2022 Weingut Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Spatlese Nahe, Germany

2022 Weingut Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Spatlese Nahe, Germany


Region: Nahe
Grape: Riesling
Vineyard: Oberhauser Brücke
Soil Type Grey slate bedrock covered by a layer of loess loam
Slope 0 – 15%
Aspect South by southwest
Winemaking: Fermented and aged in stainless steel vats.


Monopole site for  Dönnhoff – the historic Luitpoldbrücke (Luitpold Bridge), built during the period of Royal Bavarian administration, crosses the Nahe River directly adjacent to the village of Oberhausen. Opposite that bridge lies a small vineyard parcel that benefits greatly from the nearby river’s moderating influence. A distinctive microclimate is created, protecting the vines and promoting early flowering each year, which translates into a long growing season for the late-ripening Riesling grape. The special soil composition, consisting of grey slate bedrock covered by a layer of loess loam, ensures an adequate water supply for the vines even during drought years. These conditions and ancient geology give rise to distinctive and elegant Riesling wines of great structure and concentration. The sheltered valley location is also a perfect stage for grapes to freeze on the vine in cold weather, the necessary precondition for luscious ice wines.These unusual conditions are the reason why this vineyard parcel, though measuring just 1.1 ha, is registered as one of the smallest protected sites on the Nahe.

