2023 Margins Neutral Oak Hotel California White, California
2023 Margins Neutral Oak Hotel California White, California

2023 Margins Neutral Oak Hotel California White, California


40% Chenin blanc (Clarksburg - destemmed, soaked on skins overnight, and fermented in concrete
egg), 30% Aligoté (San Benito County), 30% Vermentino (San Benito County)
Production: 166 cases
AVA: California
Chenin blanc - Wilson Vineyards, Block 20
Aligoté & Vermentino - Siletto
Block 20 Chenin was farmed completely organically starting in 2020. Siletto Vineyards had been
farmed organically since 2020 and received CCOF organic certification in December 2023.
100% destemmed. Fermented and aged separately and blended right before bottling.
Aged in neutral oak for 3.5-4.5 months (depending on the cuvée), except the Chenin, which
was aged in concrete egg. Native fermentation, no fining, no filtration, no other
modifications or additions except 35 ppm of sulfur dioxide the week before bottling

