2023 Tanca Nica 'Ghirbi Bianco' Vino Frizzante, Pantelleria, Italy

2023 Tanca Nica 'Ghirbi Bianco' Vino Frizzante, Pantelleria, Italy


Nicoletta hand paints the words Ghirbi on each bottle.

Ghirbi is made with all of the second-growth Zibibbo fruit from the parcels that go into Soki Soki and Terra Forte. Because second-growth yields are very low (2.5hl/h), this wine is not produced every vintage. 


This wine is made exclusively from second-growth Zibibbo produced by lateral shoots. After a one night maceration, the juice partially ferments in a small stainless steel tank before being bottled with a crown cap. The wine then continues to ferment in bottle, trapping C02 and resulting in a natural effervescence.


Tanca Nica 🌋


Tanca Nica 🌋

Tanca Nica is, in a word: other-worldly. Those who’ve tasted know it’s more than just (rare!) dry wine from Pantelleria – it’s a thought-provoking, highly specific expression of volcanic terroir.

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