2023 Tanca Nica 'Terra Forte' Pantelleria, Italy
2023 Tanca Nica 'Terra Forte' Pantelleria, Italy

2023 Tanca Nica 'Terra Forte' Pantelleria, Italy


From two plots, vines from Pantelleria planted in  1931 and vines in Scirafi planted in 1948. Terra Forte means rare, pumice-free soil. Rather these vines are planted in very fine and red sand like face powder, breakdown of basalt and obsidian. The Zibibbo sees a maceration of 15 days. 

Each of the two parcels is vinified individually. The grapes are harvested in the end of August and completely destemmed. The juice ferments on the skins for about ten days and ages in steel , fiberglass and chestnut barrels. SO2 is added only during bottling (about 20 mg/L) which takes place in spring on a waning moon.



Tanca Nica 🌋


Tanca Nica 🌋

Tanca Nica is, in a word: other-worldly. Those who’ve tasted know it’s more than just (rare!) dry wine from Pantelleria – it’s a thought-provoking, highly specific expression of volcanic terroir.

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