2023 Margins Wine, Neutral Oak Hotel California Red

2023 Margins Wine, Neutral Oak Hotel California Red


16% Grenache (San Benito County), 16% Cabernet Franc (San Benito County), 16% Pinot Noir (Santa Cruz Mountains), 16% Mourvèdre (San Benito County), 16% Chenin blanc (Clarksburg -destemmed, soaked on skins overnight, and fermented in concrete egg), 12% Négrette Rosé (San Benito County), 8% Barbera (San Benito County)

Production: 300 cases
AVA: California
Vineyards: Many
As of 2021 all vineyards Margins works with are farmed organically.
100% destemmed. Fermented and aged separately and blended right before bottling.
Aged in neutral oak for 4.5-5 months (depending on the cuvée), except the Chenin, which
was aged in concrete egg. Native fermentation, no fining, no filtration, no other
modifications or additions except 30 ppm of sulfur dioxide the week before bottling. The
Negrette Rosé also received 10 ppm of sulfur dioxide in late November 2023.
