2023 Margins Wine, Rosy Wake Central Coast Red

2023 Margins Wine, Rosy Wake Central Coast Red


Varietals: 46% Grenache Rosé (Paicines), 25% Mourvèdre Rosé (San Benito County),
15% Négrette Rosé (San Benito County), 6% Barbera Rosé (half from Santa Cruz Mountains, halffrom San Benito County), 3% Pinot Noir (Santa Cruz Mountains), 2% Grenache (San BenitoCounty), 2% Nebbiolo (San Benito County), 1% Vermentino (San Benito County)
Production: 196 cases
AVA: Central Coast
Vineyard: Many
As of 2021 all vineyards Margins works with are farmed organically.
100% destemmed. Fermented and aged separately and blended right before bottling.
Aged in neutral oak for 4-4.5 months (depending on the cuvée). Native fermentation, no
fining, no filtration, no other modifications or additions except 30 ppm of sulfur dioxide the
week before bottling. The Negrette Rosé also received 10 ppm of sulfur dioxide in late
November 2023.
A chillable tasty morsel! It’s a light red or a dark rosé, depending on what you want it to be. Insteadof bottling direct-to-press classic rosé this year, I blended some red wine into the rosés to increase body and adjust the hue. It’s the first time I’ve ever done this, and I am very excited about the results. Long live Rosy Wake!
